
Sometimes to accentuate a beautiful smile, wrinkles in and around the lips need a little help. An exciting new solution to this is Juvederm. This product is a biocompatible, gel-based filler that helps facilitate youth-rejuvenating results than can last up to a year. We can offer this product in conjunction with a complete smile makeover.

The skin on and around your lips is moisturized from within the body by a naturally occurring sugar, something that diminishes over time, meaning that as we get older that moisture is no longer there. When that happens, wrinkles and lines begin to appear in this area giving an older, drier appearance.

By applying Juvederm, we can stop the process of losing volume and the lips becoming thinner.  Lines on the corner of our mouths can give us a sad appearance as we get older, something this product can help reverse. Once again, a consultation with Dr. Hutto will be needed.  During this visit he can determine whether Juvederm is the right product for you, to give you a little cosmetic touch up.


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