Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people are familiar with preventive dental services such as regular checkup and cleanings, X-rays, and the like. Then there are restorative dental treatments such as fillings, crowns, bridges, etc., that “restore” your teeth, or oral cavity, to health. When it comes to cosmetic services, however, there can often be overlap, which can lead to questions. That’s why today we are addressing some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry.


Question: What types of cosmetic treatments are available?

Answer: Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dermal fillers, and clear aligners can all be considered cosmetic treatments. However, if you request tooth bonding, not to fix a broken tooth, but because you want to hide pitted teeth; or if you request crowns, not because you have damaged teeth that need protection and reinforcement, but because you think your teeth are too small or misshapen, both of those procedures would be considered cosmetic treatment, because they are not required to maintain your dental health, but are being performed for beautification purposes.  


Question: I have several issues with my teeth. One is chipped, one has pits, one overlaps slightly, and they all need whitening. It seems so overwhelming! Is there something I can do?

Answer: There is something you can do! Porcelain veneers are an ideal treatment for patients who have more than one cosmetic dental issue. Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth and can hide a myriad of issues.


Question: Are Cosmetic Procedures Covered by Insurance?

Answer: Almost no procedure, with the exception of preventive care, is covered 100 percent by dental insurance. If the cosmetic procedure is not required to maintain your dental health, chances are it will not be covered. However, the best thing to do is to contact your insurance holder for verification.

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