Complete Conventional Dentures

In our last blog we discussed partial dentures. Today we discuss complete conventional dentures. Complete dentures cover the entire upper or lower arch of your jaw, and are for people who are missing all of their teeth regardless of the reason (decay, injury, gum disease). It is important to replace your missing teeth, not only to improve your appearance by being able to smile without embarrassment, but so you can speak better, and maintain proper nutrition (chewing).

The Results of Edentulism

Edentulism means that you are completely toothless. Being completely without teeth can cause a variety of problems. We mentioned a few above, but in addition, lack of teeth can give you an aged look because the area around your mouth and jaw will sag. Teeth fill out the area around your mouth, maintaining a healthy, youthful look.

How Dentures are Made

Once you've lost all of your teeth or had your teeth pulled, your gums are allowed to heal. Dentures are made by taking a series of impressions of the arch that will support the denture. These impressions are used to make models of the patient's mouth from which the dentures will be fabricated.

Dentures consists of a plastic base molded to the patient's jaw and oral tissues for a snug fit, to which false or fake teeth are attached. The false teeth, or pontics, are usually made from porcelain. Dentures are carefully fabricated to ensure proper fit, establish a proper bite, and ensure that size, shape, and color of the teeth fit the patient's personality and facial structure.

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