In Honor Of Our Veterans

As former US Air Force, Dr. Hutto, and his staff, would like to express their appreciation for all who serve our country. Veterans Day is a special day to honor our courageous men and women of the United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, and Coast Guard. These men and women risk their lives to protect our freedom, and we would like to say Thank You!

Veterans Day vs Memorial Day

While Veterans Day and Memorial Day can sometimes be confused, Memorial Day is a day set aside particularly to remember those soldiers who lost their lives defending our country. Veterans Day, on the other hand, remembers all veterans alive, deceased, those that served in wars, and those that served during peace.

How Veterans Day Came About

Veterans day was introduced by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 to honor the soldiers who fought in World War I. Originally called Armistice day, it is celebrated on November 11, because on November 11, 1918 a cease fire, or armistice, was reached during World War I between Germany and the Allied Nations. It wasn't until after World War II and the Korean War, however, that the name was changed to Veterans Day to commemorate all wars and all veterans. When President Woodrow Wilson first introduced Veterans Day, he encouraged Americans to celebrate with parades and public meetings, and to suspend the work day briefly at 11:00 am, because it was at 11:00 am November 11, 1918, that the cease fire was reached.

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