Ready To Brighten Your Smile?

We understand that a bright smile can build confidence, while discoloration can make a patient feel self-conscious or even take steps to hide his/her smile. In order to address the issue, we can offer a professional solution. Professional teeth whitening can offer more dramatic results than common store bought options, such as toothpastes or strips. Are you ready to brighten your smile? How does our professional treatment work?

How Teeth Whitening Can Brighten Your Smile

Question: How does the in-office procedure work?

Answer: The in-office procedure allows our team to remove discoloration in a single visit. We will place a protective covering on the gums and lips before adding a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. We then use a curing light to activate the bleaching gel, removing stains in about an hour.

Question: Can I remove stains from home?

Answer: Yes! We will create a set of custom-made whitening trays. We will then prescribe a powerful bleaching gel. Each day you will fill the tray with gel and wear it for the amount of time the doctor recommends, typically an hour. Total treatment time takes about a week to ten days.

Question: What causes discoloration to form in the first place?

Answer: Multiple factors can lead to teeth stains. Smoking, fluorosis, injury to the teeth, and tetracycline use can all cause discoloration. However, the most common causes are poor oral hygiene (which leads to plaque buildup, making stains more apparent) and consuming foods/drinks with dark pigments, such as soda, tea, coffee, or fruit juice.

Question: What can I do to make sure my new results last?

Answer: By taking better care of your smile you can reduce the severity of future stains. You should have your teeth cleaned once every six months and take time to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day.

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