Does Your Tooth Need A Crown Or Filling?

When a tooth become damaged or develops tooth decay, treatment is essential. Otherwise, a seemingly minor problem can soon threaten your tooth will infection or possibly the need for extraction. Fortunately, we have lifelike restorations to repair your tooth. Does your tooth need a crown or filling to become whole and healthy again?

When Do I Need Treatment?

If you chip or break a tooth, you should immediately see your dentist. If you notice your tooth feels sensitive to hot or cold temperatures or aches, you should talk to your dentist as this could be a sign of tooth decay. Addressing damaged or potentially decayed teeth is important to prevent the tooth from possibly becoming infected or lost. We can use a restoration to return the tooth to full function and health.

Dental Crowns

For more serious damage, such as breakage, fractures, or advanced decay, we may suggest a crown. The restoration fits over the entire visible portion of the tooth. We use porcelain in the fabrication process because this material is stain-resistant, strong, and mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. Placement takes about two visits and will leave behind a restoration that blends seamlessly with your smile.

Dental Fillings

A dental filling is often placed to address tooth decay. We can also use the same material in a dental bonding procedure to correct chipped teeth, mask teeth stains, or close gaps between teeth. Placement involves removing decay and applying the composite resin. The material will cure under a light and then be polished, blending with the tooth. Unlike metal fillings, our tooth-colored composite ones will not stand out against your teeth. The entire procedure only takes a single visit. If you have any questions about our crowns or fillings, then please contact our office today.

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