Should You Choose A Dental Bridge Or An Implant?

If you are missing two or three teeth in a row, you may automatically think dental bridge. However, if you are missing only one tooth, you may wonder if a dental bridge can accommodate only a single tooth. The answer is yes. However, you also have the option of a dental implant. While a dental bridge is a non-invasive way to replace a tooth, an implant requires a surgical procedure. As with any dental treatment, there are both pros and cons you must consider. If you are missing a single tooth, which should you choose? A dental bridge or an implant?

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is an easy and non-invasive way to replace a single missing tooth, or several teeth in a row. It consists of a pontic (replacement tooth) that will fill the space that your original tooth left, and a dental crown on each side of the pontic. The dental crowns slip over and are bonded to the adjacent healthy tooth on each side of the space left by the missing tooth. Preparation for a dental bridge consists of grinding down the healthy adjacent teeth to accommodate the dental crowns, taking an impression of the prepared teeth, and sending the impression to a dental lab for crown construction.

Dental Implant

A dental implant consists of surgically implanting a small titanium post into the socket of the original tooth in the jawbone. The bone then grows around the implant post creating a stable root-like structure. The healing process can take up to four months, after which a crown is attached to the post creating a long-lasting, stable, realistic dental prosthesis.

Other Things to Consider

When it comes to choosing between a dental bridge and an implant you should also consider:

Esthetics: How will it look?

Price: How much does it cost?

Longevity: How long will it last?

Dr. Hutto can answer all of your questions and help you decide which is the best choice for you.

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