The Worst Tooth Staining Culprit Is...

It seems like everybody drinks coffee. In fact, the United States is the biggest coffee consumer. About 83 percent of American adults drink coffee, which equals out to an average of three cups per day per person. The average cup of coffee is nine ounces, but don't ask us to figure out how many sips that is, which equals how many times coffee comes into contact with your teeth each day. Although coffee is not the worst tooth staining culprit (it is actually tea) coffee is second in line, and more people drink it.

Bright, Beautiful Teeth

If you drink coffee or tea on a daily basis, chances are your teeth are not looking as bright and beautiful as they could be. But have no fear, external tooth stains, those that are on the outside of your enamel, are much easier to remove than internal stains (when the inner dentin of your tooth is discolored). Even if you don't drink tea or coffee, chances are as you age, your teeth will become stained anyway, due to other foods such as berries, red sauce, wine, chocolate, and more.

Teeth Whitening

As a patient of Dr. Hutto's there are two ways you can have your teeth whitened: in the office, or using a take-home whitening kit. In office whitening can be done in a single visit using the advanced Opalescence® system. This system can brighten your teeth several shades and even remove the most stubborn surface stains.

If you prefer to whiten your teeth in the privacy of your own home, you can choose our take-home whitening kit. The take-home kit is also a great way to keep your smile white after an in-office whitening procedure.

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