Should You Consider A Dental Implant? Installment #1

If you're considering a dental implant but have questions, we have the answers. There are several questions you require answers to before deciding upon an implant. An implant is a surgical procedure, and the more information you have the easier it will be to make an informed decision that you are comfortable with. Some of your questions may involve cost, alternative treatment options, what the implant procedure entails, and more. We are going to answer some common concerns today which can help you decide whether you should consider a dental implant.

Questions and Answers

Q: Am I a candidate for dental implants?

A: Most people are candidates for a dental implant but there are certain issues that may have to be taken into consideration. For instance, if you are suffering from periodontal disease, or if you have lost a tooth some time ago and your jawbone is no longer strong enough to hold an implant, these problems will have to be solved before considering implant placement. Also, certain other conditions such as heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, or certain chronic diseases may preclude you as a candidate.

Q: If I do choose implant treatment, how long does it take?

A: The average treatment time, including the post placement right through to crown placement, is three to six months. It only takes one visit for implant-post surgery. The rest of the time involves waiting for your jawbone to heal (fuse to the titanium post). The second visit involves crown placement.

Q: Why should I choose an implant over an alternative treatment?

A: There are several benefits to choosing an implant:

  • Implants replace your root which prevents bone loss.
  • Because implants replace your root they are more stable.
  • Implants can last a lifetime.
  • They increase self-confidence by restoring your smile and improving your appearance.
  • In many cases, they are stronger than your natural teeth.
  • They restore your ability to chew food, and to speak clearly.

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