Crooked Teeth? Do Something About It

Are you an adult who has always had crooked teeth but hasn't done anything about it? Perhaps braces were too expensive, or not "in vogue" when you were younger. Now, as an adult, you're too embarrassed to wear traditional braces with their metal brackets and wires. Not only are they unsightly, they are uncomfortable, too. Therefore, you've just accepted that your smile is what it is. Well, don't. If you have crooked teeth, do something about it. Check with your dentist and see if clear aligners are a treatment option for you.

What are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are fabricated from clear acrylic and are custom-designed to gradually and gently guide crooked teeth into a straighter smile. This is done by wearing a new set of aligners about every two to three weeks. Each set is designed to control the movement of the teeth by increments, and, therefore, with each set your teeth will move closer to their final position.  Aligners are great for adults because they are clear and virtually invisible.

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

While traditional braces are permanently attached for up to two years or more, clear aligners can provide the same treatment sometimes in as little as six months, are only worn for about 20 hours a day and can be removed while you eat, and to clean them. Other benefits include:

Comfort: Due to their smooth, plastic construction, clear aligners are more comfortable than wire braces, do not need to be tightened, and will not irritate your cheeks or gums.

Removable: Because of the permanently attached wires and brackets, it is difficult to keep your teeth clean with traditional braces. Conversely, clear aligners are removable making it easier to floss, brush, and to keep the aligners clean.

An Added Benefit: If you are a bruxer, which means you grind and clench your teeth, clear aligners keep your upper teeth from coming into contact with your lower teeth, preventing the tooth wear/damage associated with chronic grinding.

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