Have You Been Skipping Your Dental Cleanings?

We don’t brush our teeth just so we have fresh breath. Although that is a definite benefit, it is not the most important reason. The most important reason we brush and floss our teeth daily is to keep them healthy and to maintain them for our whole lives. If you have been skipping your dental cleanings, you are putting yourself at risk for more extensive dental work, or worse, tooth loss. If that’s the case, you may need an ultrasonic dental cleaning to get your oral health back on track.

Bacterial Plaque

Plaque is our enemy and it forms on our teeth all day, every day. The good news is that plaque is easily removed by brushing our teeth. The reason we brush at least twice a day is because plaque builds up continuously, and it can begin to harden into tartar in under 24 hours. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can no longer be removed by brushing and flossing. It can only be removed by your dentist or hygienist with special dental tools. Left unremoved, plaque can lead to decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis which is the major reason for tooth loss.

Ultrasonic Scaling

If you’ve been skipping your dental cleanings and plaque and tartar have built up on your teeth and under your gumline, an ultrasonic cleaning can help restore your teeth and gums to health. An ultrasonic scaler can be used for a dental cleaning and a periodontal cleaning, also referred to as a scaling and root planing. It is faster, more comfortable, and more effective for removing plaque and tartar than traditional scaling tools.

So, if you’ve stopped seeing your dentist, resolve to take better care of your teeth this new year, and begin with an ultrasonic cleaning.

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