Two Easy Ways To Protect Your Teeth

There was a time when all you could do was brush your teeth and hope that you, or your children, wouldn't develop cavities. Children develop cavities because it can be difficult for them to reach all of their teeth when brushing, especially their back teeth; and let's face it, how many children actually like to brush their teeth? They probably rush through without realizing that when they miss bacterial plaque, it will begin eating away at their tooth enamel and forming a cavity. Today, however, there are ways to protect your teeth against decay in addition to brushing and flossing. In fact, there are two very easy ways to protect your teeth.

Dental Sealants

Although most people think of dental sealants as being only for children, adults can benefit from them, too. Dental sealants are an easy, quick, and painless procedure that can protect your teeth from cavities for many years. Your dentist will simply paint the chewing surfaces of your (or your children's) molars with an ultra-thin, biocompatible, plastic coating that when hardened provides extra protection against harmful bacterial plaque.

Fluoride Treatments

Tooth decay is caused by the demineralization of your tooth enamel which means that as bacterial plaque eats away at the enamel, important components that make up the enamel, including calcium and phosphorous are lost. Fluoride treatments replace these components in the enamel making it strong again. This addition of lost calcium and phosphorous also helps reverse early tooth decay. Fluoride treatments are given to both adults and children during your bi-annual dental checkup and cleaning appointments to help prevent cavities.

Neither fluoride treatments or dental sealants should replace proper oral hygiene. It is still important to brush twice a day and floss daily.

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