Foods That Clean Your Teeth

It seems like an oxymoron saying that food can clean your teeth when we've learn time and again that food can compromise the esthetics and health of your teeth. Some foods and beverages can stain your teeth, wear away your protective tooth enamel, and cause decay.

However, on the other hand, some foods can help clean, protect, and strength your teeth, protecting them from decay. The secret is to know which foods are which, and to make sure you eat the right ones. Chances are that after Halloween, your children will have bags of candy sitting around waiting to be eaten, so now is a great time to learn about foods that clean your teeth.

Foods That Clean

Foods such as apples, carrots, celery, and cucumbers can help clean your teeth just like a toothbrush. The firm, crunchy texture of these foods help to gently scrub your teeth as you chew, removing leftover sugars, bacterial plaque, and other food debris just as if you were brushing. They are also high in water which helps wash away all of the harmful oral substances, and the act of chewing (due to their crunchiness) produces more saliva in your mouth which also washes away unwanted materials. Saliva also contains minerals that strengthen your tooth enamel. Make sure the fruits and veggies are raw.

Foods That Strengthen

Your tooth enamel consists of minerals, and is the strongest material in the human body. Certain foods that contain calcium and phosphorous (the building blocks of tooth enamel) will help restore lost minerals and strengthen your teeth. The best sources for calcium include:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Seafood
  • Tofu
  • Almonds

The best sources for phosphorous include:

  • Red meat
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Tofu
  • Brazil nuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Broth

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