Can You Help Protect Teeth From Tooth Decay?

A variety of factors can allow tooth decay to form on smiles of all ages, from children to adults. But can the dentist offer treatments to protect the teeth from decay? We have two preventive procedures that can help strengthen your smile's defenses against dental cavities. Should you consider dental sealants or fluoride treatments?

Causes of Cavities

Tooth decay often forms when we don't take proper care of our smiles. When we don't brush our teeth twice a day and floss once a day, food parties can become trapped on and between the teeth. As bacteria break down these particles, oral acidity elevates and the teeth become coated in layers of plaque buildup. This weakens tooth enamel, allowing bacteria to bypass the protective layer of outer enamel and reach the dentin, where decay can form. Patients may then experience toothaches and tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods/drinks.

Dental Sealants

A dental sealant helps protect teeth, particularly for children. We place a special plastic coating onto the rear molars. Kids often have trouble reaching these teeth when brushing and flossing. The coating prevents food from becoming trapped between the teeth. The sealant will wear away with time.

Fluoride Treatments

Patients of all ages can benefit from fluoride treatments. We apply a special varnish to the tooth surface, which strengthens the outer enamel and protects the teeth from decay.

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