Surely I Can Skip One Cleaning?

Skipping one of your dental cleanings, every once in a while, may not seem detrimental to your health in anyway, but skipping one may lead to skipping more, and we do not recommend skipping any. It may seem as if, as long as you are brushing and flossing regularly, nothing is happening in your mouth. The truth is that what happens when you skip a dental cleaning can very well affect your overall health. If you're thinking, surely I can skip one cleaning, the answer is no. Try to stay up-to-date with your professional cleaning/checkups by visiting our office every six months.

Why You Shouldn't Skip A Cleaning

Our bodies are very complex machines and what is happening, unawares, in your mouth is complex, as well. There are numerous types of bacteria in your mouth and some of them are good bacteria and others are bad bacteria. The bad bacteria are what cause tooth decay and gum disease. These bacteria feed on leftover sugars and food debris, and in the process they multiply. The sugar and food debris are metabolized by the bacteria and released as acids. This concoction of bacteria, food, sugars, and acids make a sticky, clear film that we call plaque. We brush our teeth to remove this plaque before it hardens into tartar and begins to cause tooth decay and other dental disease.

What A Professional Cleaning Does

Even if you brush and floss your teeth diligently you can still miss areas of plaque which then harden into a cement-like material called tartar. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it cannot be removed via home dental hygiene. It can only be removed with a professional cleaning. When you are wondering what your hygienist is doing when she scrapes your teeth with special tools, he/she is removing the calcified plaque. Dr. Hutto and his staff utilize ultrasonic equipment to remove plaque and tartar more comfortably and effectively. However, to help prevent cavities and other dental disease, it is important to perform your home hygiene and to attend bi-annual checkup and cleaning appointments.

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