Do You Need A Crown Or Filling?

When you develop decay, or if your tooth becomes damaged in a sports accident, then you need to see a dentist. Otherwise, serious complications could develop that threaten your smile's health and your tooth's stability. Which restoration will best address the issue? Do you need a crown or a filling to repair your tooth?

Dental Fillings

A filling is often used to address tooth decay. When you develop a cavity we will remove the decay and clean the tooth. Then, we will apply composite resin, a metal-free material shaded to blend with your tooth. We can sculpt the material as it cures under a special light. Once cured, we polish the tooth thoroughly for a more lifelike appearance. The entire procedure takes one visit and restores the tooth to optimal function and appearance.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown fits over the visible parts of the tooth, which allows the restoration to address a number of different issues. We can use them for teeth with advanced cavities or dental infections. We can also place them to repair broken or fractured teeth. They can anchor dental bridges in place and restore single tooth dental implants. We use porcelain because the material is strong, stain-resistant, and natural looking. Placement typically takes about two visits.

Don't Ignore Potential Warning Signs

You should see the dentist for a restoration if your tooth becomes damaged, or if you experience frequent toothaches/tooth sensitivity. We will examine your smile and decide which option will best correct your tooth. Without treatment, damage or decay can eventually allow an infection to occur, which threatens the tooth's stability. If you have any questions about our restorations, or if you want to schedule an appointment, then please contact our office today.

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