Botox: Improve Your Smile By Erasing Your Wrinkles

You can improve your smile by focusing on more than just your teeth and gums. Your lips, cheeks, and even your eyes can affect your smile. While most people focus solely on their teeth, you can surpass that by focusing on all of your facial features. No doubt you have heard of Botox, but do you know exactly what it is and how it works? It is a popular cosmetic surgery treatment that can reduce the wrinkles in your forehead, the crow's feet around your eyes, the frown lines around your mouth, and replace the collagen you lose in your lips as you age. Improve your smile by erasing your wrinkles with Botox. 

What is Botox?

Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by a bacterium found in the natural environment, Clostridium botulinum. The neurotoxin it produces is called botulinum toxin. The Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin is used to treat certain muscular conditions, can also be used to ease stress on the jaw and symptoms related to TMJ disorder, and is mostly used as a cosmetic treatment to remove wrinkles. In fact, over 6 million Botox treatments are administered each year, making it the most popular cosmetic surgical treatment.

How it Works

Botox is simply administered via injection into the muscles. Wherever it is injected, the signals sent from the nerves to the muscles in that area are blocked, causing a temporary paralysis, meaning the injected muscle can no longer contract, causing the wrinkles to relax and disappear. Botox injections are quick, easy, and painless. The whole process takes only a few minutes and no anesthesia is required. However, the full effect of the neurotoxin can take up to seven days to take full effect.

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